Quick Guide on Getting a Geeky Girlfriend

For boys who are into geek girls – or thinking about dating one, this article is a good starting point, be warned though, not all geek girls are created equal ^^ so beware of the overly generalised nature of the article.
Another note, geek girls come in variety of disciplines, you may find computer geek girls (she might be an open source girl or Microsoft techie types, they are quite different so be a little bit careful here), Math geek, Biology geek, or combinations of those. The given article discusses particularly, computer geek girls.
For those who think, ” Why would I want to date a female geek? “, the article provided some very good reasons:

  • They are generally available. (errr -_-)
  • Other men will tend not to steal them. (righhhhtt -_-).
  • They can fix things.
  • Your computer will love them.
  • They’re smart.

And there is even a testimonial from a man who marries his geeky girlfriend:
Geeks are sensitive and caring lovers and wives. If you can hang with the techno-lifestyle, they make the best mates. They are the most attractive people, not flashy or hunky, but the kind who get cuter and more alluring over time.

So how to start finding a geeky girl? How can we spot them?

  1. You’ll find them hanging out with their friends, discussing the latest hardware revolution or perfecting their Bill Gates impressions.
  2. Geek girls wear t-shirts with the logos of different software companies on them, thus showing that they are up on the latest releases.
  3. Geeks also like to go to sci-fi and Japanese animated movies (not all geek girls like sci-fi and Japanese animated movies).

How to charm a geek girl:

  1. Geeks tend towards packaged junk foods since they prefer to work and think and aren’t all that into cooking for themselves. Make sure that your geek girl understands that you are not merely a replicator, and provide her with home-cooked food. A batch of chocolate chip cookies will let her know that you love her.
  2. The geek girl has long work habits and tends to bring her work home with her. She seems permanently connected to her hard disk. You must at least appear interested in her work. Generally, a solid understanding of the computer is a must; if you cannot master this, you should at least be able to talk the talk.
  3. Geek girls thrive on mystery and love challenges and intellectual puzzles.

And a precaution:
Don’t ever try to force the issue, or make crazy demands that she choose between her computer and you. Remember, her computer has been there for her whole life; you are a new interloper she hasn’t quite grasped yet.

So what are you waiting for? Why settle for normal girl if you can get yourself a geek girl ?  :p

15 thoughts on “Quick Guide on Getting a Geeky Girlfriend

  1. nebulousarion says:

    @pong2 : hmm … they may not be ambitious when it comes to material wealth, isn’t that good enough ?
    @eja : heeuehehhe , you of course !

  2. Rich says:

    @eja: they will .. using a robot kinda machine.
    @ pong2: they may not be ambitious, but need to be updated with all the latest gadget, softwares, and computer books.

    geek? .. no thanks

  3. nebulousarion says:

    @irene: hehehe ngga lah, tapi memang lo suka diamonds kan ? well diamonds are girls best friend, they just refused to befriend me -_-.

  4. T says:

    On the cooking part, I can testify that a geek girl can cook! I’ve tasted Sandy’s cooking 🙂 I, as usual, are good with washing the dishes. 😀

    Haha, that’s right. If a geek girl were ask, “Can you give up your computer?” She would reply, “Darling, let’s have some respect for history. My computer was here first.” 😀

    On the diamond stuff.. hm.. I think dating a geek girl is more lenient on the budget. Gadgets are cheaper than diamonds. Geek girls are happy with coffee warmer plugged to their USB slots and the likes. So guys, be unconventional and date a geek girl!

  5. nebulousarion says:

    hahaha T , I was so shocked when I see this “Geek girls are happy with coffee warmer plugged to their USB slots”, my parents just gave me one ^_^ !

    Yep , date a geek girl !

  6. Mike says:

    “Don’t ever try to force the issue, or make crazy demands that she choose between her computer and you. Remember, her computer has been there for her whole life; you are a new interloper she hasn’t quite grasped yet.”

    I like this one hahhahaha.. sounds so was me. what you need to change is her to his (read: her to my).. hahaha

    but, not so geeky anymore though :p

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